bonjonart Watercolor Class:”Nubian Goat” I still have a “Lagoon Ballet”-10x30 framed acrylic/oil If y A several people have asked how I paint the bubble “Autumn’s Tapestry” 60x36 acrylic/oil paint These sweet otters found their forever home!!! 24x Here comes Turkey Day! “Jelly Fish Waltz” I finally finished. Thank y Thanks to all who voted “A” Work in progress- Thanks to all who voted -work in progress but I’ National Octopus month!!! “Tentacles” 36x36 #o It’s national Octopus month! “Tentacles” 36 Help! Work in progress….. This is the bones of 🎨✨ Exciting News! My painting has found its f Autumn’s Tapestry: Black Butte Oregon 36x60 #sis “Beauty Beneath” 24x24 #montereybayaquarium #o “Beauty Beneath” 24x24” The film “My Octop Work in progress- “Inkling Beauty” 2’x2’- One of my favorite things to paint is places I’v So exciting to be recognized on an international l “Family Reunion” 36x 60 Prints and original pa Load More Follow on Instagram